Friday 9 November 2012

Our Second CCi Live Produced Show

On the day of the show, I arrived at the studio around 11:20 with Richard Forrest, my friend who would be interviewed live about the Great South Run. I handed in the paperwork within a folder that I had organised into sections to make it easier if you wanted to find a certain document. I stayed for the duration of the show so I could be with the interviewee’s to calm them and let them know what’s happening. I believe it was important to do this because live television can be nerve-wracking for anyone, let alone someone who has had no experience with it before, and I did not want them to get overly nervous and ‘freeze’ live on camera.

As I was around the studio in the corridor when the show was being transmitted I did not get to see how most of it went. However, I did see several issues, and was informed of even more afterwards. There were quite a few mistakes in terms of camera framing and steadiness, an insert within the news was accidentally played twice for a short period of time rather than the closing news sting, and our studio script was not kept to properly. From the feedback from Charlie Watts, he said the paperwork as well as the shows content was really good, however the delivery was not as good as it should have been. This was quite frustrating because as a group we spent a lot of time and effort into the show, and we wanted the delivery of it to be really good so that it kept the high standard.

Here are several photos from the day

CCi Live - 09/11/2012

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