Wednesday 14 November 2012

Focusing On Commissioned Show

On the Monday we had a group meeting to discuss our commissioned show. In this meeting the treatment and show format changed again slightly. We also discussed how many presenters we wanted and what they will do in the show. We are thinking about doing a behind the scene’s video of the production process, which we may use as an insert during our next CCi Live, before the pilot of the commissioned show is aired.

From Charlie’s recent email, I decided to arrange a meeting including all the producers of the groups. In this meeting we discussed the contents of Charlie’s email whereby he asked us as groups how we would like CCi Live to be presented and delivered. We decided that if the delivery team only had 7 crew members yet needed a second camera operator, then the producing team would provide them with one. We also decided that no one would have 3 presenters in the main studio for CCi Live. In this meeting we also discussed the next series of CCi Live’s and what content they will include and what format they will have.

On Tuesday we had another group meeting to discuss the commissioned show in more depth. We looked at each part of the show individually, and worked out how each challenge will be carried out. We drew up an action plan of things to do before next weeks meeting. My task is to ask the presenters that we want if they would like to be a part of the show, and also set up a screen test to see how they work together. We also filmed this meeting so we could use it in our behind the scenes video. That evening, I emailed the 3 prospective presenters to outline the premise of the show as well as ask them if they would like to be a part of it.

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