Monday 7 January 2013

Back For A Very Busy Week

I have now got a whiteboard in my room, which I bought to help me stay organised and keep up to date on what needs to be done for all of my projects. I did this on the back of advice from Mike Fuller when he said that using a whiteboard helps him to stay organised and visualise things better.

On Monday 7th January our group met at 9:00 to catch up and make sure that everyone knew what they had to do for the week. This was very important to do because this week would be very busy with us having to make a 10 minute CCi Live and finish off the last bits for our commissioned show, all for Friday. Michael had also made a task list of everything that needed to be done which helped a lot.

Gareth, Barry and myself were tasked with filming vox pops in the morning about what peoples new years resolutions are. We retrieved the equipment, checked it all out in Eldon building and then made our way to Commercial Road where we would be filming. Barry had managed to get clearance to film in this location with the council and we also brought a confirmation of this with us in case of any issues.

We filmed in 4 locations and it took us around 3 hours to get enough people, this being 24 interviewees. My job was to approach people to see if they would like to be interviewed, get them to sign a release form, put them into position and then told them what they had to do, this being to look at me and say “My new years resolution is…”. I believe I carried out this task to a good standard as I was confident when approaching members of the public and did my best to keep them at ease when faced in front of the camera. To do this I drew on my experiences of interviewing subjects as well as the advice my course leader gave us in an interview workshop a year ago. The length of time this filming took is unfortunately part and parcel of this filmmaking technique, due to the vast majority of the public either feeling uncomfortable in front of a camera or short of time.

Once we were done with the filming, we went back to Eldon building and caught up with the rest of the group. I watched the offline edits of the challenges for The Manual and then fed back to Michael that I thought they were really good. Gareth and myself then sub clipped the footage we captured earlier and then did a basic edit of it, for Richard to then look over later and polish up.

Barry gave me some paperwork that he had, for me to then add everything together and then organise properly. I asked Natalie to see if she wanted to present CCi Live on the Friday, as we think we may only have 1 presenter because its just a 10 minute show. Lastly I looked over the finished adverts that Richard and Michael had made for The Manual, and I thought they were really good.

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