Friday 14 December 2012

Delivering Our Second CCi Live

On Friday we met at 9:00 at the CCi studio to practice and prepare the show before we went live at 12:00. I turned on some of the equipment and got the credits computer up and running. I then went through the newer version of the script that had been corrected the night before.

Adam and myself then went through all of the autocue script and timed each section so that we could get an estimated time for the shows new duration after changes had been made. Once this was done I re-wrote the running order so that it was more accurate and in turn making my job of production assistant easier. I worked out that the show was now only 29:06 in length and so we would have to lengthen sections where we could to get it closer to the 30 minutes required.

We then did a run through of some of the sections. We could not do a full and proper run through as we were on occasions waiting for the presenters, which didn’t help. This made it harder to get more practices in again. We also discovered that the gallery would get filmed during the show as a learning aid.

We eventually managed to get one full run through done before we went live. The shows duration was over time but not by too much which was a positive sign as we thought we would be under. In the build up to when we went live, I kept everyone informed of how long we had to make sure that we were all ready.

The show started and I personally didn’t notice any mistakes as I was concentrating on my job and the running order. The timings seemed to be going well but at the same time it was hard to judge as the running order was short of the required time. It was my job to make the decisions of when to lengthen sections or go back to the autocue script, this being very difficult to judge. Towards the end of the show we realised that the timings were very close to what they needed to be. I took a note of when the credits had to start in order for the show to finish at exactly 30:00. Michael the director then took control of the stopwatch of the shows duration whilst I went over to the credits machine. He then told me when to roll the credits based on when we reached the time that I wrote down.

We found out slightly later that the show was only over by 20 frames. I was very happy with this, considering we only managed 2 full run through’s and the content and paperwork given to us was not as great as it could have been. We then turned off all the equipment and I then picked up my new CCi t-shirt.

Timeline showing 20 frames over

CCi crew t-shirts

CCi Live - 14/12/12

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