Thursday 10 January 2013

Organising The Paperwork And The First Run Through

On Thursday 10th January I shared Michael’s advert on Facebook as this was a sneak peek of the challenges, which I thought would help keep the shows interest levels up. I had a look over a selection of outtakes that Michael had put together, for us to chose from and be shown over the closing credits. Some of these were very good and help to show the audience that the show was light-hearted and fun to make as well as watch. I got some more paperwork from Michael, which I would add to my collection to sort out, as well as details of the copyright clearance for the songs we have used throughout the show. I also emailed our CCi Live presenters the script they would be using so they could practice overnight as we would not be doing a run though of CCi Live today.

My job now was to sort out all of the paperwork that I have collected and amassed over the making of the commissioned show as well as this week’s CCi Live. This took quite some time as there was a lot of material and I wanted to make sure it was all properly organised into sections. To help me do this I used the template of the paperwork I handed in for our previous CCi Live as I was told that they couldn’t find a fault with it. When organising the paperwork I managed to find lots of good pieces to put in, including our logo and set designs and all of our planning that made our inserts well organised.

We did a studio run through of The Manual between 1:00 and 5:00. It seemed to take quite a while to get everything sorted, however this was expected, as it was the first time we were practicing the show and so had to get lots of setting up details right. The show seemed to flow well which was a relief as there are quite a few elements to the show, which need to work together to achieve our desired look and feel.

Unfortunately the running order was not exactly right as there had been a mistake with it, and so the timings were quite far off and we overran the shows required duration. I redid the running order with the new times and took out some of the stings which we had decided didn’t work in the places they were allocated, this being just before the challenge inserts. I then got the last bits of the paperwork together and made sure it was well organised.

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