Friday 12 October 2012

Time To Prepare For CCi Live Again

During this week we started to think about our next CCi Live show, as we wanted to make sure we were as prepared as possible. I found out what ideas the other groups had for their shows, then brainstormed with my group some new ideas that haven’t been covered and would fit in with the timing of our show, this being the 9th November.

We came up with a general theme of autumn and then thought about some insert ideas around this theme. One of these insert ideas was a history on the autumn past time of conker fighting and how to prepare conkers etc. This insert had to be changed slightly however as we struggled to find many conkers and thought that by the time the insert was aired it would be even harder. Therefore, we made the insert about ‘things to do in autumn’, which would be a light-hearted look at some outdoor autumn activities.

From feedback from Charlie Watts, we realised that the theme will have to be slightly broader as it is hard for audience interest levels to remain high for the whole duration of the show if it is based on a single theme. From more research and brainstorming we came up with several other insert ideas, these being an art exhibition by Robert Knox, Remembrance Day, Gunwharf Fireworks, Movember, Diwali and the Great South Run. The Great South Run insert could be hard to film because Channel 5 have the exclusive broadcast rights, so we would need to look into this possibility. 

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