Sunday 28 October 2012

Great South Run Filming

On the Sunday we filmed the Great South Run. We met at 8:30 at Michael Parsons’ house then filmed for a total of 6 hours. During the filming of the pre-race interviews, we had a relatively successful rate of stopping people to be interviewed. I believe this was because we got to the location and had set up with plenty of time before the race started so people had time to stop and talk. We also looked rather professional with our university polo shirts on and the standard of equipment we were using. However there was one issue I discovered when filming this part of the insert. We managed to stop one lady and interviewed her, however as soon as her interview was over and I asked her to sign a contributors release form, she panicked and declined. Therefore I asked our presenter to just do a short piece to camera saying, “We cannot use the last interviewee” to remind us later who it was exactly we couldn’t use within the edit. This failed interview was a bit of a waste of time for us so I started to get our interviewees to sign the form before they were interviewed so they knew about the necessary paperwork and seriousness before they took part.

There was also a small issue within the crew towards the end of the day in the form of an argument. This was due to the stresses and strains of the shoot and how we were all tired after 6 hours filming and walking around the route. This issue was only on the subject of the days filming however it showed me how important it is to stay calm and concentrate on the matter at hand to remain professional. The issue was quickly resolved and forgotten about and I would do my utmost to ensure a similar incident would be prevented in future. All in all, I believe the day was a success and we ended up with some good footage to put together in the editing room.

Here are some photos taken during the filming

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