Saturday 27 October 2012

Some Difficulties Start Arising

On the Friday, I had a meeting with those who will be filming the weekends two shoots. In this meeting we discussed interview questions, content we wanted to film, and filming schedules.

Offline editing occasionally posed several problems for us. There were a couple of incidences where we would lose all our sub clips and would have to do it all again. Although it is a hassle we could do without, I’m hoping that it will not affect our schedule too much. We also started to write a voice over for the autumn insert as the footage has already been put together in an initial rough cut.

The filming of the Night of the Dead insert proved a lot more difficult than first anticipated. Firstly, it was a very cold night, so using equipment was made more difficult. Secondly, there was not much choice in terms of interview locations. Most areas were noisy from either guests of the event, or loud copyright music, and the indoor areas didn’t provide a brilliant backdrop and we would often be in the way of guests. We also couldn’t use the lights we brought because there was not the room for them and we didn’t have the time to set them up properly. We also had to be very careful with footage we captured because of general broadcast rules as well as the BBC’s own guidelines. We didn’t want to film too many shots of alcohol, fake blood and horror face paint, however this proved exceptionally difficult as the mayor, along with others, already had face paint on before we interviewed them. This shows that even with sufficient planning, some film shoots can spring some nasty surprises on the film crew that are unavoidable and difficult to counteract. I believe we can learn from this experience and in future try to better predict certain issues that could arise when filming with suitable contingency plans.

Earlier in the week I sent an email to the Hindu society at the university because we wanted to bring one of the members in to speak about the Hindu festival of Diwali. I still have had no reply from them so this idea may have to be changed.

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