Thursday 27 September 2012

Straight Back In The Deep End

On Monday 24th September we were told our groups and I discovered that I was part of the group that would be producing the first live show on the upcoming Friday. This meant that we only had 4 days to decide upon our content, film and edit all of our inserts, write the script and produce all the required paperwork and additional content for a 30 minute live show. Due to this extremely tight deadline, we did not decide upon roles within the group because we all needed to pull together to make sure everything was done.

Unfortunately, due to these time constraints, we couldn’t be as adventurous as we perhaps would have liked in regards to our content and inserts, however this was not too much of a problem because as it was the first show back, the focus was more about a catch up and a welcome back for our current as well as new students. Charlie Watts, our course leader, helped us by sourcing an interview with Amy Walker, who helped design the new open access area, which we would record and use as an inert. The original plan was to do this section live, however the technical issues as well as the interviewees own wishes, deterred this from happening. As we did not really have enough time to film and edit all of our own inserts, we were given some assistance with the provision of an insert about how green screen works. This insert however was a good addition to the show as it showed people how CCi Live is put together and what can be achieved with the technology.

Doing quite a lot of the scriptwriting, I found that writing the script can be very difficult. This was because we had to lengthen it in areas to get the show closer to the 30 minutes that was required and as a scriptwriter you can get a ‘writers block’ where you struggle to think of things to say. This is why it is important to have more than one scriptwriter and make sure you have ‘fresh eyes’ in another person to look at it and see how it flows as well as think of more content to add if necessary. The script was also slightly cheesy in places, however in the CCi Live branding it says it should be ‘fun, light and not take itself too seriously’ so this was not too much of an issue.

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